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About Me

“Elevating people's environment through her art is Stephanie's mission."

Stephanie was not always an artist, she used to work in the economy field all her life. When three years ago, she decided to start painting. She has always loved animals since childhood, she started first with photography to capture the beauty of all creatures with her macro lens. But since she lived in Zurich, she could not dedicate her passion for animals all year long. That’s the idea to start painting her beautiful animal.

She loves painting because each piece represents herself. When she paints, she loses track of time and enters a new dimension, which exists just the animal she is painting.

Animals were always part of her life, and being able to connect herself and others to the power of the animal spirit is her life purpose.

Do you want to speak directly with Stephanie…

Do you wanna know how to connect with animal spirit? Or do you wanna discover your animal spirit? Are you looking to create a special piece of Art? Stephanie will be more than happy to speak with you and discuss this through a Free consultation!

Why should you work with Stephanie?

Client Testimonials

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“First of all Thank you so much Darien, for gifting me this very special art The spirit animal of Owl and Turtle really appeared to me during a long 13 days fasting on the Mountain (beside the happiness of seeing them, the gave me strength) I love the painting she did, it's so beautiful to see all my spirit animal in an amazing piece of art."
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“I am passionate about sea animals. When I saw the work of Stephanie, I knew immediately that I would have commissioned her some art works to do for my house.
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Each stroke exudes passion and craftsmanship, inviting admirers to delve deeper into its layers of meaning and emotion. A true masterpiece that ignites the senses and leaves a lasting impression
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Steart's art boldly embodies the strength and vitality of the animal kingdom. Each piece captures the essence of power with precision and grace. Through vibrant strokes and intricate details, the artist invites us to marvel at the resilience and majesty of these creatures. It's a testament to the enduring force of nature and a reminder of our interconnectedness with the world around us.
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I’m jumping with joy as I gaze at my beautiful breathe-taking portrait by Stephanie Hottges; Awww it’s Amazing! Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️❤️job well-done
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Ayiesha Alizai Sadik I was away taking care of my elderly parents, and I just got back and opened this DELIGHT and I am FLOORED at how STUNNING you have made my babies.
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Having Stephanie's lion artwork in our home has been incredibly inspiring. The vibrant colors and powerful depiction of the lion bring a sense of strength and energy to the room. Every time I look at it, I feel a renewed sense of courage and motivation. Stephanie's ability to capture the essence of the lion is truly remarkable. This piece has not only enhanced the aesthetic of our space but also serves as a daily reminder to embrace our inner strength and determination. I highly recommend her art to anyone looking to add a touch of inspiration to their home.
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